Join us as we create this online mentoring group to help members stay connected and solve their real-life situations with input and advice based on the Energy Codes principles. Knowledge of The Energy Codes is a prerequisite.
Many of you have read Dr Sue Morter’s National Best Selling book, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life. You’ve joined us for book studies and you want more! Master Certified Energy Codes trainers, Heather & Karen have created a sacred space for us to come together, create a like-minded community, share, learn and up level our consciousness by shifting our perspective to the frontside of the model.
We’ve received many requests from our clients for a place to come together and understand what is happening in their lives. By creating a virtual mastermind, we create an online community, all gathered with a common goal to allow each other to share openly, communicate their challenges and perhaps shift the situations to the Front Side of the Model (Dr Sue’s Model of Awakening).
Tentative start date based on interest-email me today! Wed, September 2nd @ 4pm Pacific Time. 3-months timeframe with 12 weekly sessions of 60-minutes each.