Discover your
BEST self.

HEAL with Heather
I assist my clients in creating their BEST life ever through a combination of conversation & techniques for integrating Mind, Body & Soul. The primary focus of my practice is the BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique and Spiritual B.E.S.T. These are protocols for reconnecting Conscious/Subconscious neurocircuitry for healing. As we begin to consciously build electromagnetic and neuro-circuitry for embodying even more of our full potential, this ultimately allows us to experience ourselves as not only self-healing and self-regulating, but also self-illuminating and completely whole.
In addition to B.E.S.T. our sessions may include The Energy Codes® practices, BodyAwake® yoga, tapping, chakra balancing, coaching, essential oils and/or sound healing with crystal alchemy bowls. Our time together is an organic process utilizing muscle testing to direct our sessions to what is in priority for you.
Unlock Your Full Potential With The Energy Codes®
I am blessed to call Dr. Sue Morter my friend and teacher. I’ve witnessed profound changes within my own life as well as my clients with her guidance and Energy Codes® principles. Overlaying Dr Sue’s Energy Codes practices to my B.E.S.T. sessions, yoga and everyday life allows a deeper level of healing. As an Energy Codes® Certified Master Trainer, I work with the whole system for healing, transformation and empowerment.
“We were given a beautiful gift of the intuitive and rational mind to act as its’ servant.” - Einstein
As Dr Sue says, “the mind is designed to be in stewardship of the soul. We have created a culture that honors the servant instead of the gift: we honor the mind instead of the essence intended to rise up as infinite information and potential.” It is my hearts desire to remind people of their ability to create their lives and help direct them towards their own infinite potential.
What people are saying.
I am feeling blessed from last session, you were showing me how tight my hips were, I feel 10 years younger now, less stiff and easier to get out of bed. - Jeff
I hope you know what a special gift you are in my life. Thank you for your energy and your willingness to share and teach others! - Violet
I don't know how to say this, but as I was driving home, the Hawk was right above me and this INCREDIBLE sense of INSPIRATION enveloped me!! It was intense and loving! I immediately drove to the edge of the reservation and walked and spread my arms and thanked The Universe, Rascal, Spirit Hawk and Spirit Energies and loving people like you and your mom. That Pink Blanket is totally around me and I am beyond happy! I feel like I can fly, its a feeling of love, peace & joy! WOW!! - Cecelia
Heather takes so much time with her clients and gets to the core of what is truly “Stuck”. It feels amazing after a treatment!! - Cindy
Amazing things happen after each session. I’ve met a man and it’s been a great relationship experience. I’m making more money than ever. I have been offered other job opportunities in the field that I love. I feel more relaxed an balanced each visit. - Katie